These red and white athletic shoes with extra wide soles and lace-up detailing are roomy enough for socks. Fit high-heel feet bellybutton Barbie, may also fit dolls with smaller articulated flat feet like R&D Susie, Momoko, and Made to Move Barbie. Slip on.
Athletic shoes with extra wide soles and lace-up detailing have elevated heel insole. Designed to fit high-heel feet Barbie (bellybutton, twist-n-turn, etc.) the fit is loose enough that socks can be worn. Also fit high-heel dolls with larger feet like Model Muse and similar, and may also fit dolls with smaller articulated flat feet like R&D Susie, Momoko, and Made to Move Barbie (may need socks). Shown on Model Muse and click-bend belly-button Barbie. Shoes slip on with no back slit. Available in various colors.